The Core Ingredient
Our focus fundamentally revolves around building soil fertility, with healthy soils being our greatest farming asset. Our health is inextricably linked to soil. Healthy soil is needed for healthy grass which in turn feeds the cattle we consume.
What is in soil, and what makes it healthy? Well to this day, scientists have not cracked the code on soil. Let’s just leave it as an amazing mystery for now. And sorry to frustrate you again, but soil health, like many things in nature, cannot be boiled down to one factor. But we do know that soil health is linked to microbes.
Our grasses have a symbiotic relationship with the microbes living in our soil. Root exudates, containing minerals and sugars, feed beneficial (hopefully) microbes. In turn, these microbes form a barrier against pathogens that attack the roots.
Ever helpful microbes also break down bits of the parent rock (foundational base of soil) to release minerals that were previously unavailable to roots. With more nutrition, grass roots grow stronger (calcium) and have better soil penetration, creating tiny pockets of air. These spaces with increased oxygen enable even more microbes to thrive and handily double up as water storage areas. To round off (in case you forgot, the question was what makes soil healthy), microbes are the indispensable go-betweens that boost plant and soil health, and by doing so, their own health – Nature’s triple win!
“Building healthy, balanced soils is the greatest priority on our farm. Ultimately, nature knows best and the more we understand and work with her nuances the better the product we can produce.”
“I have learned that organic farming is about observing and accepting, then patiently encouraging.”
Rob Lennon
Owner – Gundooee Organics